
We Are Responsible For Decreasing Emissions

Offering environment-friendly access opportunities since 19th century, when they first emerged, electrical vehicles have become popular again with the support of the countries which have decided for actively struggling against global warming. Thanks to their technologies, electrical vehicles give the opportunities of cost, comfort and safe journey. We came together with Haluk Sayar, Turkey branch vice president of Avere, which encourages electromobility and sustainable transportation across Europe. We have talked about the electrical vehicle sector and society’s works.

I’m vice president of Avere Turkey Electromobility Society. I’m mechanical engineer. I graduated in 1989. Afterwards, I stayed in U.S for 3 years and worked on energy economy. And then I worked
in energy field, especially on renewable energy, for years in Turkey. I’ve been working on electromobility for the last 6 years. I carry out the activities about the society.

Our society was founded 4 years ago. Avere Electromobility Society is actually an international one. 18 European countries are society’s members. And 4 years ago, we became the 17th member of the society. We especially work for development of electromobility, proliferation of electrical vehicles and healthy growth of the sector. To this end, we make collaborations through gathering many groups from both business world and public sphere together.

We have 2650 direct or indirect members in Avere International, I mean Europe society. And we have 52 corporate members in Turkey. So, we are a nongovernmental organization which offers the best representation of Europe.

Electromobility is a new sector. Electrical vehicles are being put on the agenda for a few years, but the process is accelerated.This field is not only about automative sector but many fields must play a role in it with a multidisciplinary view. Electronics and chemistry must be involved. Physics is the base itself. So, we are not only interested in automative but we aim at integrating other sectors. This is our mission. And this is what we do in Turkey.

As you know, mobility means motility.We use the same word in Turkish, too. Electromobility means moving from one place to another through using electric. So, we must accept electrical vehicles as the first parts, first components of the electromobility. Not only electrical vehicles, but also scooters are
electromobile vehicles. Micromobility is a branch of electromobility. Electrical buses or even trains, planes, ships which are defined by electrics are within the scope of electromobility.

Of course, it grows so fast. 6 years before, one million electrical vehicles were sold all over the world. By 2022, this number increased to 11.5 million and it grows by 50-60% each year. There are some regions in the world where electromobility and electrical vehicles are used primarily. China comes first
and then the other European countries. North America, Asian countries and other countries follow them. The Europe comes especially after China since China is a technology supplier, automobile
manufacturer and also battery producer. That’s why Europe comes immediately after China in leading the market.

Out of every 100 vehicles sold in Germany in the last December, 55 of them were electrical ones. This is greater in Norway. Like above 90%. Seemingly, they rarely manufacture non-electrical vehicles. Actually, this is normal since Norway will not grant licence to internal combustion engine after 2025. It will not even sell them. Electrical vehicles have to be sold this way and so the market is taking its own measures and is about to finalize the transition process. They are about to shift to electrical vehicles
completely. Countries like Holland and German come after them. Germany and Holland are very close to each other but Germany is the market leader in terms of vehicle quantity. Speaking of Turkey, we are at the very beginning. As I’ve mentioned earlier, 11.5 million electrical vehicles were sold within 1 year. But in Turkey, 10 thousand vehicles were sold in the same period. We have 18 thousand vehicles in total. Still, we talk about market that grows 60-70% each year like Europe. Within forthcoming 7-8 years, a fast growth will happen and we will see more than 1 million electrical vehicles on Turkey’s highways in 2030.

Actually we are not. We may seem late compared to Europe and China but we are not late, in actual. Let me say this: This is a brand-new technology. Before 2010, the use of lithium-ion batteries in the vehicles was not even possible.Due to the intense energy or inadequate capacity, this was not used so much. As of 2010, it became possible in also economic terms. In 2010, batteries were expressed with kw/hour. The kw-hour cost of the batteries was around 1000 dollars. But within these 10-12 years, the
cost has diminished 100 dollars. So, the cheaper the batteries are, the more the chance of market introduction electrical vehicles have. Another important point: Nobody directed the sector to electrical vehicles all of a sudden. It’s not like “oil is over”, “time has come” or so. And why do we shift to electrical vehicles? Because of greenhouse gas. We know that greenhouse gas may end the world. We
are aware of this fact. That’s why we are responsible for decreasing the emissions. Both United Nations and international institutions have led the way and commissioned all countries to take the necessary measures. Now, all countries are responsible for decreasing their own emission rates and electrical vehicles have gained importance more than ever.

Of course, electrical vehicles have many advantages. As I’ve said earlier, the greatest advantage is their
electromobility. When it moves with electric, it utilizes a mains power, which must be clean. If you produce your mains power from coal and use this power in electrical vehicles, these vehicles will
certainly have emission. That’s why we have to use renewable energy while producing electricity.If we use this power in electrical vehicles, we can talk about vehicles with zero emission. So, the first rule is to provide accurate and clean electricity to the vehicles with zero emission.

Secondly, there is no exhaust in electrical vehicles. I mean you cause a serious air pollution with the oil or diesel fuel in the vehicles. This is due to exhaust, which does not exist in electrical vehicles. You can drive you car quietly and without releasing any emission, which is very important in terms of health and
environment. And when you consider this in economic terms, electrical vehicles have many serious advantages. Battery and lithium-ion battery costs are rapidly decreasing. Three or four years ago, the
prices of electrical vehicles and internal combustion engines differed a lot. The electrical vehicles were very expensive since the battery costs were high. However, the costs of battery decreased so much that we think they will be alike in 2023 or ’24. I mean the electrical vehicles will not differ so much from other dieselfuelled or oiled vehicles in economic terms.

Additionally, electrical vehicles require minimum maintenance since there are not many moving parts in their motors. For example; you have more than 2000 parts in diesel vehicles to make the wheel turn while you have 21 parts for this in the electrical vehicles. So, electrical vehicles require much less maintenance. Just think that there will be no exhaust gas, no radiator, no engine oil or driveline system.
The brakes are worn less. And much does not fall on brake linings. All these seriously decrease the maintenance cost and shorten the time for maintenance. The cost of use is so low since you spend four times less if you charge electrical vehicles in mains power compared to diesel vehicles. This means you can drive four times more with electrical vehicles paying the same price. Actually, prices are varying since it requires a different amount if you charge it in the house or commercially or outside the chargers managed by charge operators of 22 kw.

We still have 1-2 years to be equal to internal combustion engines. Previously, this disadvantage was way too greater.That’s why some incentives were required. I mean state incentives were important to make people prefer electrical vehicles. Now, these incentives are still important

At first, I would like to point out that these critiques are unnecessary. We could talk about range issues
of electrical vehicles 7-8 years ago. However, the technology has advanced and this problem has been overcome. The capacity and efficiency of the batteries have increased. Today, we have vehicles driving over 1000 kilometres after being charged for one time. As far as I know, some vehicles which are going under testing and will be sold within one or two years will be driven for 2000-2500 kms. The range inceases every year. Many important works on chargers are being done. I can even say that the setup of chargers in our country run ahead electrical vehicle sales. One of the leading chargers has stated that there will be as many electrical chargers as enough for 200 thousand vehicles in Turkey at the end of 2023.

Last year, we held the first one with Voli Fuarcılık. We undertook the conference arrangements as Avere. We achieved great successes in terms of exhibition and conference. On November 2023,
we will hold the second one. We plan a predominantly international fair. The fair area of last year will grow nearly twice since the attention is too much. We will hold a startup competition.

Our members are increasing rapidly. We have 52 members currently. We aim to double this number at the end of 2023. The member organizations of a society have always relevant expectations. And we try to be the voice of them. We want to be the nexus of public institutions and organizations. We want to create a network ecosystem with Avere abroad.